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Accessible syntax highlight theme

I really like syntax highlighting, and it helps greatly during development, but also when I read code. I have grown very fond of Solarized Dark and One Dark (not light!), but I wanted to be more accessible, so I created my own themes that adheres with the WCAG requirements.

The colors

WCAG AA compliant for color contrast. WCAG AAA compliance forces the values on a light background to be too similar to each other to be used effectively for syntax highlighting.

Dark theme

All colors have a contrast ratio of >=5 against the background color #262831, Sky Captain.


Light theme

All colors have a contrast ratio of >=5 against the background color #F5F6F7, Gram’s Hair.


Contrast ratio

ColorHexRatioNormal TextLarge Text
Vivid Amber#C795005.4:1AAAAA
Sea Kale#2CAAA05.14:1AAAAA
Flax Flower Blue#469EDD5.03:1AAAAA
Lilac Mist#E4E4E711.57:1AAAAAA
Ground Earth#8062005.29:1AAAAA
Jazz Blue#1D699F5.43:1AAAAA
Mountain Pass#5C6A6A5.21:1AAAAA
Rebellion Red#CD04045.36:1AAAAA

CSS Variables

:root {
  --color-1: #859BA3;
  --color-2: #C79500;
  --color-3: #2CAAA0;
  --color-4: #469EDD;
  --color-5: #8C9B9B;
  --color-6: #E4E4E7;
  --color-7: #262831;
  --color-8: #FF0000;

:root.theme--light {
  --color-1: #566D71;
  --color-2: #806200;
  --color-3: #1E766D;
  --color-4: #1D699F;
  --color-5: #5C6A6A;
  --color-6: #000000;
  --color-7: #F5F6F7;
  --color-8: #FF0000;

PrismJS example with dark colors

code[class*='language-'] .namespace,
pre[class*='language-'] .namespace {
  opacity: 0.7;

code[class*='language-'] .token.comment,
code[class*='language-'] .token.prolog,
code[class*='language-'] .token.doctype,
code[class*='language-'] .token.cdata,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.comment,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.prolog,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.doctype,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.cdata {
  color: #859BA3;

code[class*='language-'] .token.null,
code[class*='language-'] .token.operator,
code[class*='language-'] .token.boolean,
code[class*='language-'] .token.number,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.null,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.operator,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.boolean,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.number {
  color: #C79500;

code[class*='language-'] .token.attr-name,
code[class*='language-'] .token.string,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.attr-name,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.string {
  color: #2CAAA0;

code[class*='language-'] .token.entity,
code[class*='language-'] .token.url,
.language-css code[class*='language-'] .token.string,
.style code[class*='language-'] .token.string,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.entity,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.url,
.language-css pre[class*='language-'] .token.string,
.style pre[class*='language-'] .token.string {
  color: #2CAAA0;

code[class*='language-'] .token.selector,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.selector {
  color: #E4E4E7;

code[class*='language-'] .token.atrule,
code[class*='language-'] .token.attr-value,
code[class*='language-'] .token.keyword,
code[class*='language-'] .token.control,
code[class*='language-'] .token.directive,
code[class*='language-'] .token.important,
code[class*='language-'] .token.unit,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.atrule,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.attr-value,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.keyword,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.control,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.directive,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.important,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.unit {
  color: #469EDD;

code[class*='language-'] .token.regex,
code[class*='language-'] .token.statement,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.regex,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.statement {
  color: #2CAAA0;

code[class*='language-'] .token.placeholder,
code[class*='language-'] .token.variable,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.placeholder,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.variable {
  color: #469EDD;

code[class*='language-'] .token.property,
code[class*='language-'] .token.tag,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.property,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.tag {
  font-style: italic;

code[class*='language-'] .token.important,
code[class*='language-'] .token.statement,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.important,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.statement {
  font-weight: bold;

code[class*='language-'] .token.punctuation,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.punctuation {
  color: #8C9B9B;

code[class*='language-'] .token.entity,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.entity {
  cursor: help;

code[class*='language-'] .token.debug,
pre[class*='language-'] .token.debug {
  color: #FF6666;

pre.ph {
  background-color: #262831;
  color: #E4E4E7;

About the author

Hi! My name is Alexander, and I am a creative frontender, specializing in UX, accessibility, universal design, frontend-architecture, node and design systems. I am passionate with open source projects and love to dabble with new emerging technologies related to frontend. With over 27 years of frontend experience, I have earned the right to be called a veteran. I am a lover of life, technologist at heart. If I am not coding, I am cooking and I love whisky and cigars. Oh, and coffee, I LOVE coffee!

If you want to know more about me, here is some links you might want to check out: GitHub, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, CodePen, Slides.com, npm,


I am also an avid speaker on several topics! Check out some of the things I speak about, and contact me if you are interested in having me at your next event!