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David Liu gOS 3.0 "Gadgets" released


Please note that this is an archived post, so links, code and the communicated message might be outdated. YMMV

More good news on the DistroWatch.com feed!

David Liu has announced the release of gOS 3.0 "Gadgets" edition, an Ubuntu-based distribution featuring a large number of pre-installed Google desktop gadgets:

Introducing gOS 3 'Gadgets'. gOS 3 'Gadgets' instantly launches Google Gadgets for Linux on start-up, introducing over 100,000 possible iGoogle and Google Gadgets to the desktop. Google Documents, Calendar, and Mail launch in Mozilla Prism windows to closer resemble desktop applications. The newest release of Wine 1.0 is included to now support thousands of Windows software for our advanced users. gOS 3 Gadgets is based on the solid Linux distribution base of Ubuntu 8.04.1.

Visit the project's home page to read the release announcement and see the product's features page to learn more about the distribution's capabilities. Download the live CD image from here: gos-3.0-gadgets-20080924.iso (687MB).

About the author

Hi! My name is Alexander, and I am a creative frontender, specializing in UX, accessibility, universal design, frontend-architecture, node and design systems. I am passionate with open source projects and love to dabble with new emerging technologies related to frontend. With over 27 years of frontend experience, I have earned the right to be called a veteran. I am a lover of life, technologist at heart. If I am not coding, I am cooking and I love whisky and cigars. Oh, and coffee, I LOVE coffee!

If you want to know more about me, here is some links you might want to check out: GitHub, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, CodePen, Slides.com, npm,


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